Post news RSS bioTerror: Attacking in January 2011

bioTerror, the newest game from Trashgames is under development and gearing up for a late January release!

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In 1993 a group of scientists were experimenting with toxic chemical waste in an attempt to create a new cola drink. What happened was that the toxic chemicals caused massive amounts of radiation to escape into the city. The radiation killed everyone and turned them into a bunch of double dead toxic scumbags.
Now, in 2011, you must battle the hoard and re-corpse all these zombie assholes ... Also the president's daughter has been kidnapped or something.


bioTerror started as a prototype for sidescrolling shooting combat in another Trashgames game, Dope City Wars, but it was so much fun that we decided to make a whole game out of it!

bioTerror is under development as a browser game and is going to be entered into the Unity game competition over on Kongregate.

To celebrate the good news here are some screenshots from the latest preAlpha build. Enjoy!

BioTerror Pre Alpha v2BioTerror Pre Alpha v2

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