Hello to our viewers. As mentioned in the summary, we lost quite a bit of dev time when one of our storage hard drives failed (Seagate drives are total rubbish). Due to that I had to divert extra time to another project to catch up and so both CI and Space Crusade suffered from a lack of proper development time.
I was unable to get the wiki page up due to this and the progress made has been limited, while focused on the more needy areas. I will get the wiki page up before the end of December, probably around the 27th so be on the look out around then for it.
Here is the change log for this development cycle:
-Removed private variable pSTLevel as the Ship struct already contains a variable for the ship tech level.
-Setup the Planet Class and added the following things to it:
Planet (constructor)
pPop -popultion
-Added the following functions:
hostile(string hRace, string hRank, Ship hShip, int hXarn, int hRubies, int hDia, int hDrac, int hLith, int hUra, int hPlut, int hPlat, int hNWaste) (constructor 1)
hostileStory(string hName, string hRace, string hRank, Ship hShip, int hXarn, int hRubies, int hDia, int hDrac, int hLith, int hUra, int hPlut, int hPlat, int hNWaste) (constructor 2)
-Added the following variables:
-Setup the BattleProc class and added the following functions:
*Here is the explanation of this variable. It was too long to include in the change log format:
= Enhanced Kardashev Scale =
0-0.9 = Class 0
Class 0 planets are planets with a low tecnological advancment, low amounts of resources can be found but the more exotic resources will not be present. These planets, when conqured, do not produce much income, resources when mined, or forces. They are generally small and varying in habitiablity, many have little to no population and need some level of terraforming to sustain a stable population.
1-1.9 = Class 1
Class 1 planets are more advanced then 0's, but not by much. Slightly higher technological level than 21st Century Earth. Less exotic resources can be plentiful and even some exotic resources can be found in quantity on these planets. Generally great planets for colonization, they will produce stable, yet small, income streams and can support moderate levels of population, leading to increased troop output.
2-2.9 = Class 2
Class 2 planets are kind of in the middle between very profitable planets and very unprofitable. They can go either way however they usually have large amounts of resources on the surface. Exotics in lesser quanities but still present. Will provide with a, moderate, yet unstable, stream of income and troops. Planetary defenses of these planet classes start to pick up some bite.
3-3.9 = Class 3
Class 3 planets are of average technological level for the current age. Many resource types can be found in abundance and the exotics are more common on these worlds. Populations on these worlds are large and can be highly advanced. Planetary defenses will present unprepared attackers with significant trouble. These planets will provide a stead stream of income, resources, and troops. Terraforming will have less effect on these worlds.
4-4.9 = Class 4
Class 4 planets are above average in technological advancement. 62nd century Earth was of this class. Class 4's have significant populations and are more advanced then Class 3's. Defenses can be quite powerful and will block most raiders and pirates from doing any damage; they usually combine offensive towers with a shield matrix. These planets present a large source of income, both in Xarn and resources. They can support huge populations and are good worlds to use for troop recruitment.
4.9< = Class 5
Class 5 planets are the most highly advanced planets in the galaxy. As there is no Class 6 defined as of yet these planets can be impregnable to anything but large fleets. These planets can sustain massive populations and will provide the rulers with a large stream of income and resources. Due to populations sizes, population growth will be limited so over recruiting can lead to a large population die off or even extinction. Terraforming has no effect on these worlds.
Planet class will be determined by randomization of a number between 1 and 5,500.
1-1999 = Class 1
2000-2999 = Class 2
3000-3999 = Class 3
4000-4999 = Class 4
5000-5500 = Class 5
All values will be multiplied by 0.001
Sunday, October 23, 2011:
-Changed the Osprey design, added one (1) missile turret to this ship to accommodate the starter ship choice.
-Added the following functions for player starter ship choices:
-Added the following functions as part of the player starter ship system:
-The following bombs and missiles have been added to the player startship armament process:
Destructor Bomb
Neopryte Bomb
Lite Gettysburg Bomb
Nako Advanced Bomb
Calamity Lite Standard Missile
Ravager Lite Missile
Cruise Missile
Warhawk Advanced Lite Missile
Bloodhawk Lite Missile
Serpent Lite Missile
-Added the player takeDamage function. This function has a tiered if/then/else statement system t catch any damage overflow from the different health areas; shields, armor, hull. Old system calculated damage then sent that value off to another function. This one does all of the application in house, but the damage calculations will be done from battleProc (battle processing).
Wednesday, October 19, 2011:
-Changed the description and attributes of the following weapons:
Destructor Bomb
Neopryte Bomb
Light Gettysburg Bomb
Nako Advanced Bomb
Planet Cracker
Medium Nano Bomb
Medium Neopryte Bomb
Medium Gettysburg Bomb
Medium Nako Advanced Bomb
Heavy Nano Bomb
Heavy Neopryte Bomb
Heavy Gettysburg Bomb
Ultra Heavy Nano bomb
Ultra Heavy Neopryte Bomb
Ultra Heavy Gettysburg Bomb
Heavy Nako Advanced Bomb
Ultra Heavy Black Hole Bomb
Ultra Heavy Planet Cracker
Maximum Nako Advanced Bomb
Gravity Bomb
Hell's Teeth
Lillith's Wish
Adam's Anger
Apocalypse Bomb
-Replaced 1279 lines of code with 27
-Added one (1) bomb hold to Rifter design to accommodate starter ship choice.
-Added several new ‘Get' functions for laser weapon information:
-Added check to starter ship selection so that if the chosen value is out of bounds the code will default to 1.
-Added player starter laser weapon selection, including above check and IS function calls. The following weapons have been added to the start selection list:
Low-Tech Phaser Array
Ion-Particle Blaster
50mm Suspended Coil Laser Cannon
50mm Omega Cannon Prototype
50mm High-Output Ion Blaster
Lightron Blaster
I did manage to get a lot of code in and I completed the itemSystem as it was in version 0.4A. No new weapon or ship types have been added at this time. I started work on the Player and Planet classes and also start on making a system to reduce our horrifically large and complicated pillaging/salvaging function.
The EKS is part of the system and will be used in also determining how large a planet is, what kind of defenses they can power, how much of certain minerals can be found on the planet, as well as the maximum population of said planet. These will all come into more play when we implement the colonization ability later on in development.
This was all I managed to accomplish for this cycle, but I am hoping that I can get a lot more done over the winter break as I will have much more time to devote to both of our projects.
Thanks for following SC!