Post news RSS BETA update - version 0.8.8

The new BETA, vers. 0.8.8, is ready and online. Some people were not happy with the camera change from moving to aiming so we make the movement smoother and we also introduce the MOUSE INVERT.

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If you have version 0.8.7 (or any previous version) uninstall it and download the new one - you can see the version over the TheShortAndThaTall logo (at the begin of the BETA) or, if don't play fullscreen, on the top of the window, near the name.

The new BETA has now a smoother camera change, when you pass from moving to aiming. The camera seems more fixed to the clone character and in some ways it looks more stable and the focus change is not so big.

One new youtuber has noticed, on his video, that the mouse invert was missing so we introduce the check button in X and Y, but also between walking and shooting.
So, while playing press ESC, go to the Control panel and try it by yourself.

Again, please download the new BETA and let us know what do you think about it.
...and, again, spread the word.


EFFING DEAD < beta v.0.8.8

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