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It's time to start beta testing the upcoming version 1.5 of the World of Padman standalone game. We need a couple of hard-working beta testers helping us to assure the quality of the upcoming release.

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It's time to start beta testing the upcoming version 1.5 of the World of Padman standalone game. We know that development is not yet finished, and there is still work to be done during the next few weeks, but one day we will have to start testing our baby. Now it's up to you. We need a couple of hard-working beta testers helping us to assure the quality of the upcoming release. As you know, testing is not just playing the game, it's hard work, for you, and for us. So if you are interested in just playing the game this is not for you. Please check the following list, there you'll find what you need and what we expect from you:

  • Time for at least one or two test sessions a week, starting on the evening of Sunday November 6th.
  • A good and fast internet connection for downloading and updating test files.
  • Knowledge about using our bug tracker and an account there. Take your time there for creating some detailed bug reports.
  • You need an account in our community board. Most of the communication and coordination will be done there.
  • We will start testing features of the game distribution system, so you need an account here on This is optional at the moment.
  • For every beta test, there will be prepared test cases. Be able to follow instructions and focus on the tasks.

If you are interested in supporting us, feel free to drop me (Kai-Li) a line via private message on our community board. We are really excited about your thoughts on World of Padman 1.5.

WoP 1.5 beta tests

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thewonderboy - - 653 comments

Hmm i could try. I dont have any experience about Wop or bug tracker but im hard quaker and have wide experience of arena shooters.

As i remember that even when wop is stand alone its still very much quake like ?

And i have time to be introduced to bug tracker.

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Mastee157 - - 26 comments

i could try.I got many experience.I was the beta tester of some mod and some games.So please i want try it

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Zorklis - - 185 comments

So what do you have to do?
Do you have to play that's it?
If yes I could try

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thewonderboy - - 653 comments

read: "As you know, testing is not just playing the game, it's hard work, for you, and for us"

isnt that obviious ? theres a list. you need to know how to use something called bug tracker.

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as1q23fg - - 526 comments

Are you looking for MAC-testers? if then, then im on :P

and i got desura beta. lolz

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