This news update is to announce that we have a final release schedule planned for Beta 2.0. We have (finally) hammered out a final feature set and we are working towards a final release candidate for this weekend. We are aiming to release the following weekend (January 27th) barring any unforeseen show stopper bugs. We hope to have a nice smooth release to kick-off this beta, and we will be providing weekly updates of the mod leading up to the IGF on March 3rd to 6th. Here is what you can expect to see in this new beta:
- Major network optimizations to both infantry and space
- Major hitbox optimizations to infantry to provide more accuracy
- Major bug fixes since beta 1.1
- All new physics optimizations for better performance in the hangar
- Addition of the SMG Turret to replace the Railgun Turret
- Addition of the Requisition System (see blog for details)
- New sounds and music
- Reworked Balancing for ALL infantry weapons
- The addition of two new ship classes, the Heavy Fighter and the Gunship (note the gunship will not have player controlled turrets in 2.0, HP and maneuverability will be increased to compensate)
- New map: es_asteroid: Space scenario where players battle for space supremacy over 5 asteroid bases
- Updated map: es_aethra: Now featuring larger hangars and a true Aethra model to replace the asteroid base. Destroyer layout was restarted from the ground up for better performance and scalability.
- New map: ngm_cruiser: Infantry only scenario in an NGM Cruiser ship.
We hope Beta 2.0 will be as bug free as possible, however some bugs will inevitably make it into the final build. Given the short time between now and the IGF, we figured a public test would be much more successful at finding the major bugs and balance issues rather than in-house testing. This is still very much a beta, though the new changes will be quite appreciated I am sure.
Since the blog has been getting all the media lately, I figured I would post a few map shots from the interior of one of the asteroid bases on es_asteroid. This map has been in development since beta 1.1 and OmegaSlayer has been doing an excellent job with it.
That's all for now. We will keep you posted on this upcoming release, and provide a confirmed date when the final release candidate enters the last leg of testing.
Jan 27th! bah, one day after my LAN, I guess we'll have to stick with the old version :P nice work anyhows, looking great
This mod is awesome but I nobody plays it , even me.
NOT even me. There should be a edit button for comments...
And the reason not many people play, is because there needs to be an update like this, with more maps, fixes, additions, changes, weapons, models etc.
Gj guys can't wait to play a new version :)
I love this mod, and you guys are doing awesome. I was waiting for an infantry only map!