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Day 3 of our map screening session is upon us. Today shots of the revised bg_battlefield will be shown. Render has taken Alienated's original map and reworked it from the ground up. Retaining all the old flavour and simplicity that made this map a success in the first place, Render has built on it improving

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Day 3 of our map screening session is upon us. Today shots of the revised bg_battlefield will be shown. Render has taken Alienated's original map and reworked it from the ground up. Retaining all the old flavour and simplicity that made this map a success in the first place, Render has built on it improving every aspect of the map. As you can see below it certainly looks a lot nicer.

bg_battlefield screenshot 1bg_battlefield screenshot 2bg_battlefield screenshot 3

In other news, we are happy to announce a Question and Answer session with the development team and probably a good number of the testing team on Sunday. This is scheduled for 7pm GMT (2 pm EST, 8pm CET, 10 am PST) on Sunday. The session will take place on our IRC channel, which is #battlegrounds on GamesNET. Any questions you have about 1.2, future releases, BG in general or even some historical questions, feel try to ask. We will do our best to answer as many questions as possible, so this session will continue as long as you have valid questions. We hope to see as many of your there as possible.

More screens tomorrow!

p.s. I'd like to remind people that they can sign up to the BG Announcements List here, which will get all BG related news before anywhere else!

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