Post news RSS Ballf Update - Scenery Objects & New Level

We have re-implemented scenery objects and added adjustable draw distance support for them.

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Scenery Objects

Scenery Objects have been improved and re-implemented to Ballf! Scenery Objects are objects that are composed of multiple voxels, but only occupy the space of a single voxel. This allows us to add a higher level of detail to the environment, by having more detailed flowers, grass, rocks, books, clutter, etc. We can now create an essentially endless number of different scenery objects, instead of being limited to just a handful. We have also added the ability to adjust the draw distance of these objects, as this will allow a wider range of computer specs to run Ballf.

The following images show scenery objects being used to improve out door environments through bunches of grass, little stones, and flowers.

ScreenShot 29 May 2015 04 38 26

ScreenShot 29 May 2015 04 27 30

New Level: Ruined Town

ScreenShot 19 May 2015 05 01 51

Next Demo Update

This will hopefully occur within the next few weeks. We are currently working on getting some music together, finishing up a few missing sound effects, and adding particle effects. The particle effects will add to the visual appearance of Ballf by adding things like dust particles in the air to help indicate wind speed and direction, leaves from trees also indicating wind properties, and particles produced from the ball impacting different surfaces.

The current demo is available at our page!

You can follow us either on our website or our twitter! Thanks for checking out our game, if you like it please feel free to share it with your friends, make videos, or share us in any way you can!

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