Post news RSS Badass Inc. debuts on IndieDB

It's been a while since we've posted a game to indieDB... But we're coming back with style. Check out Badass Inc now.

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Badass Inc. is the culmination of a random idea for the 32nd Ludum Dare and a few weeks work here at Motion Twin.

Sebastien Benard, the lead developer of the project, has wanted to make a hommage to Flashback, Another World and their contemporaries for a while now. So when the last LD rolled around he thought, "why not prototype something now?" And he did.

In 48hrs Badass Inc. was born. You can play the original Ludum version here:

Badass Inc Proto.

This was the original concept and Seb was pretty pleased with the result and the subsequent reaction on twitter and the rest of the internet. It was at this moment that he floated the idea of making a full blown game out of Badass. The team here at Motion Twin was very receptive to the idea. I'm pretty sure the reaction went something like "#%*$ YEAH!"

So we gave him a week and said make it sexy. And he did. Ther version you see in front of you is the result of a weeks work and a solid prototype. We've made a bit of noise on the net to test out the potential market for a game like this. Now we're pretty sure that we have to make the game.

Stay tuned for regular development updates. It's gonna be badass...

rurku1437770874 - - 1 comments

Im waiting for the new updates, this game is awesome, and it reminds me of Gunpoint, but it's more... Badass (yes, I know im an Sherlock from the internet). After playing the prototype I can say that this game is gonna be GOOD!

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indiecatapult Author
indiecatapult - - 7 comments

Glad to hear you like it! We're super excited to start work on it. :D

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BenLap - - 9 comments

Played it, loved it. The humor is spot on and the graphics are beautiful. Can't wait to see more.

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Sph!nx - - 722 comments

Lol, actually found this through a random search on another place yesterday. I played it a bit and really liked it. I thought to myself, they should post on IndieDB... and voilĂ , there it is!


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