I got Bad news!
By installing a video Codec this day,
8:34 AM 8/27/2018
guess what... the worst storm went to attack on my files.
A Virus called: cerber...something.
Before I could react, this hellvirus wrote
about most of my mod fils to oblivion.
Ahhh...this looks faded...
Think I must sign this as dead.
Does anyone have any experience on this cerber virus ?
Ah virus...killing mods ever since the 80's...
It is quite unfortunate that this happened. May this not hamper your desire to let out new, fantastic creations in the future.
Well...we maybe one day :)
Have you tried workarounds?
Jepp I have.
I have tried
decrypt harasom
data recovery...the result was files not working or corrupt.
Will look further.
Thanks 🙂