AI has been fully re-done to give it more of a challenge for the player to kill the enemies. Audio and audio settings have also been put in.. More animations have been done for the enemies and they also now play a part in the game. Additional game animations have been put in for a cleaner more full experience.
The shop is now in a better layout so the player can find it easier to buy things and view there stats after every play through. Players can also see there equipment like masks and weapons that are currently equipped. Attributes such as speed, health and damage are also visible from the shop menu.
All music that is needed for the game so far has completed by the artist known as Aether. All voice acting has been completed and edited. Sound effects have also been finished for the game but we are still deciding if it needs more. All this audio is not just finished but has actually been put in game along with the audio options such as mute.