Post news RSS Astrox : Build 63 is Live!

Well, I managed to get quite a bit done in this update. Of course I wanted to keep going, but with the holidays and family time... I figured I had better post what I have before I get overwhelmed with the festivities.

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Well, I managed to get quite a bit done in this update. Of course I wanted to keep going, but with the holidays and family time... I figured I had better post what I have before I get overwhelmed with the festivities. Anyway, lots more on the the way, I suspect I should have another one ready to go around the same time next month.

Let me know if you guys have any issues or questions about the new stuff.
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Here is what you will find with build 63:
Build 63
*Fixed alignment of buttons in REFINERY, CARGO, and HANGAR.
*Refining / Scrapping, Selling items in the refinery will generate a notification popup of results.
*Adjusted pop up box location in station.
*Adjusted Max systems allowed to 100.
*Fixed Tactical Command Ship bonuses.
*Fixed bug where buying a module, then refinining it would cause error.
*Buying and selling in the market will generate notifications.
*Station interiors are now somewhat randomly generated. (still going on this)
*Buying and Selling ships in the shipyard now generates notification reports.
*Buying and training skills at the university now generates notifications.
*Upgrading in the lab generates notifications.
*Leasing space in the hangar now generates notifications.
*Completing a job now generates a notification report.
*NPC ship no longer move when game is paused.
*Created new pilot face models, for a total of 16.
*Adjusted Engine flare brightness.
*Autowarp and Autodock options now saves.
*Added new skin design.
*Revamped Options menu, with new options and settings.
*Added new Sound and Music volume sliders and toggle buttons.
*Adjusted starting camera position on station load.
*Revamped targeting overlay graphics.
*Added back 7 unique asteroid models.
*Multiple graphics tweaks and enhancements.
*Engine fuel burn is now an option. Afterburners still require fuel.
*Added 2 new custom songs to the soundtrack.
*Revamped Warpgates, Stations and Asteroid models and textures.

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