Post news RSS Asteroid Minesweeper Update

Miscellaneous updates (smaller levels, ambient light, etc).

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The game got an update recently on different points:

The size of some levels has been reduced

Some levels has more than 500 cubes to trim and were clearly too long to complete. There are probably still some minor adjustments to do. Maybe I'll increase the number of levels, though.

The story has been improved

More levels contains a message about the Abstract Space Industry Corporation which is decidedly a strange and doubtful company... No more informations in this article because I don't want to spoil the story!


The ambient light has been increased

Because it was hard to see the cubes in the shadows... see below the new version:

The right click button behavior was fixed

No more accidental drag and drop with the right click.

Tablets buttons are disabled by default

... to avoid pressing them by mistake. Additionally, the message to enable them is clearer in the tutorial.

So, get it while it's hot!

The demo has been updated; you can download it here. Of course some of the fixes above are not visible since it is still a demo limited to the first two sets, A and B.

Don't forget: the Kickstarter started some days ago, and I need your help to make this game a reality!

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