Post news RSS Ascendancy 1.0 Open Beta Released

While the Moff Council and the New Republic have begun their bids for control of the galaxy, in the Outer Rim and beyond, more contenders await their chance to strike. Can the Empire of the Hand unite the galaxy against the impending external threats, or will the Pentastar Alignment find the opportune moment to strike and establish a new form of Imperial galactic leadership?

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While the Moff Council and the New Republic have begun their bids for control of the galaxy, in the Outer Rim and beyond, more contenders await their chance to strike. Can the Empire of the Hand unite the galaxy against the impending external threats, or will the Pentastar Alignment find the opportune moment to strike and establish a new form of Imperial galactic leadership?

Keep in mind, the mod is still in development, and part of the point of our iterative release model is to get feedback on features as we develop the mod (and therefore, for example, older factions will tend to be more polished/finalized than newer ones). If you have any feedback or suggestions for what you want to see, or just want to discuss the mod and your strategy, head over to our forums or ModDB profile.

...For Those New To Ascendancy...

Play as the New Republic, Imperial Remnant, Empire of the Hand or Pentastar Alignment in the post-Endor Star Wars galaxy, each with unique ship rosters, abilities, playstyles and tech trees.
Conquer the Star Wars Galaxy on several maps with various configurations, featuring several new planet types and canon planet placements.
Completely redesigned UI, and overhauled graphical effects.
Several overhauled and all-new gameplay mechanics, ship systems degrading with damage, and the ability to entirely destroy planets.

...New in 1.0...

Two new playable factions added: Empire of the Hand and Pentastar Alignment
Several new and redone units for the Remnant and New Republic, including the Allegiance Star Destroyer and Dauntless Heavy Cruiser
New tech for Remnant and New Republic
AI and Performance improvements
New map: Fool's Bargain, 8 players, 89 planets
Warlord Zsinj as a neutral hero on Dathomir in Unified Front
Bug Fixes & other changes, see below

For a more comprehensive overview, see here.

Pentastar PotentialRebel Revenge

Ascendancy 1.0 Open Beta (For Sins V1.82  STEAM)

Only for Steam currently (Sins v1.82)

Keep in mind, Sins is updating to v1.83 soon, so this version is acting as a chance for us to collect feedback to release the "full" 1.0 on the final 1.83 patch for Sins.

Before playing the mod to increase stability, also enable Large Address Aware to bypass Sins' 2GB memory limit issues. LAA is included in the download, simply open it, set the mode to basic, find your Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion.exe file and click the box to enable large address aware, then save. This only needs to be done once, so if you have already done it for other mods you can skip this step.

...Game Nights...

In order to facilitate multiplayer matches with our players, we'll be doing community game nights on predetermined weekends with Ascendancy players and developers. If you follow our Steam group or join the forums below, events will be posted in advance. We'll be shuffling around time zones to allow as many people to play as possible.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoy 1.0, we'll have information coming soon on 1.1 and Imperial Civil War 2.2

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JjForcebreaker - - 950 comments

Yiss! Great news.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
General_Sanis - - 89 comments

there goes my weekend

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Coldonne - - 184 comments

So much for working on my Senior Show for Graphic Design

Sorry professor I got caught up studying the inspirational work of a great design team.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
General_Sanis - - 89 comments

well, luckily i've got vacation for a week, so i won't have to make any excuses, BTW, what other mods do you play for sins, and if you want to do some multiplayer, just add me on steam, name is the same as here

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Coldonne - - 184 comments

Lucky, also I play SotP, Star Trek Armada 3, SoGE, and this of course. Also I just updated my profile name today, after several years, to match my Steam. I've never actually played Sins multiplayer believe it or not.

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MrPerson - - 1,802 comments

ah man, been waiting for this for so long, but I just got done downloading XCOM 2......choices choices

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epictrooper - - 36 comments

A friend and I love this mod and play it together often. It seems the new version does not like multiplayer. It lagged way more than usual. Hopefully this gets fixed. As always keep up your awesome work.

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vascofo - - 2 comments

does it work on 1.83? stuck loading on startup...

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.Corey. Author
.Corey. - - 3,735 comments

No, as the download title says, it's only available for 1.82 at the moment. Once Ironclad officially releases 1.83 out of beta, the full version of the mod will release for that.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
vascofo - - 2 comments

Aw whelp time to downgrade. Thanks for the feedback!

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VanPooLy - - 1 comments

I want to see clone army :]

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