Post news RSS Ascend Exosuit Update

A brief look into the concept art development for the Exosuit.

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Hiya fellows. It's been a while since our last update but we are progressing well. Today's update will focus the exosuit design.


For Ascend, players are able to pilot Exosuits that trade mobility and versatility in return for pure firepower and armor. It's meant to be pilot into an assault or to defend an objective. Player could also customize their Exosuits to fit a more particular role, and even change chassis for a bigger and stronger frame that could wield heavy firepower, or smaller and lighter frame that focuses more on speed. This is one area that we would wish to focus heavily on customization, so that players could create their own version that best suit their play style.

Here's some concept art of the initial version, to give you an idea of how we envisions the Exosuit.

Finally this is the latest version that we are most happy with.
It combines combine the aesthetics of all the anime, games and movies that we like, with a strong bias towards anime, while still looking relatively functional.

Check out the gallery for more WIP concept arts of the Exosuits.

What's Next

In the next update, I would love to show you what the environment team has come up with for the first level. Thanks for taking a look! CHeers!

andreasng - - 77 comments

very nice designs.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
velsthinez Author
velsthinez - - 145 comments


Reply Good karma+2 votes
Dewopalis - - 26 comments

amazing designs please keep up the good work

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velsthinez Author
velsthinez - - 145 comments


Thanks for the compliment. Keep checking back as we will post more awesome stuffs soon. Cheers!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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