Post news RSS Artificial Mind Update #1 - Our new puzzle-solving sandbox game!

In this article we are going to tell you everything important about our new project, and we will also show you the first official GAMEPLAY VIDEO and loads of SCREENSHOTS.

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What's our game about?

Artificial Mind is a first person puzzle-solving sandbox game, that was inspired by great titles like Portal and Garry's mod. In this game you take role of a robot, who is closed up in a huge testing facility. Your task is to complete various levels, using your intelligence and creativity.You have only one weapon - your robotic arm with 3 different modes :

Gravity mode

allows you to move and shoot all small objects.

Concept Concept

Magnetization mode
is used for creating strong magnets from special metal objects.

Concept Concept

Assembly mode
allows you to program objects like thrusters and explosives. It's also used in creation of various structures in assembly stations.

Concept Concept

Main hub

It's an area where you can access level selection screen and other essential things like level editor, achievements, tutorial room and character upgrades that are planned in the future.

Concept Concept

First official gameplay with developer commentary

If you like our work, make sure to follow us on our:
(or my personal twitter)

TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

The water displacement is something i've not seen done before, be interesting to see how else it can be implemented.

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SimpleGhost Author
SimpleGhost - - 117 comments

Thanks! We will try to do our best!

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m00hkuh - - 27 comments

looks interesting.. tracking ;)

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primus88 - - 51 comments

The game has very nice physics implemented in it. Also, the puzzles are very nice, but at the last puzzle, the one with the thruster and the cube wall, you could've just used the gravity or the magnetic tool, instead of the programming tool. Correct?

So while the idea was awesome, there was a simpler way to get passed the obstacle.

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SimpleGhost Author
SimpleGhost - - 117 comments


You are right and wrong at the same time.
I couldn't use the magnetization mode because it works only on objects made of special metal. You can recognize it because these objects have slightly different color. Something like dark blue.
Gravity mode was a possible solution but only because those objects were pretty small. It wouldn' be possible to pick them
up if they were 2 times so big.

I really like your thinking because we want to create a game where you need to find your own way of solving a problem.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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