The Lys army have a typical for Free Cities army look and was inspired by late Roman Army.
Lys army main power is skirmisher infantry and cavalry.
The heart of Lys Army, General and his Bodyguards, Heavy Skirmisher Cavalry full of rich, noble warriors, the best of the best.
Lyseni Cavalry - the cavalryman from Lys prefer to avoid melee combat, so they chose javelin as their main weapon, lyseni citizen can serve in Lyseni Cavalry if they can afford good horse and equipment.
Freedmen Cavalry - freedmen's also serve in lyseni cavalry, if they can afford the horse, as almost all warriors from Lys, they use javelins in battle.
Its all about cavalry, now we can talk about infantry and missile units
Freedmen Spearmen - freedmen's are big part of Lys society, when slave is released they don't have a lot options for job, so they serve as town militia.
Guard Spearmen - the citizen of Lys, if they want can serve in Guard Spearmen, guard spearmen role in Lys army is to protect archers or javeliners from cavalry on battlefield, Guard Spearmens are proffesional soldiers, city is paying for they equipment and training.
Noble Heirs - the young nobleman's of Lys are adventurers, they like to fight in the first line, in the army of Lys they serve as heavy infantry, before charging into enemy line they throw javelins.
Slave spearmen - in the time of need, people of Lys can recruit slaves to the army, thy have terrible equipment and they moral is low.
Lyseni Sailors - Lys is known for its sailors and pirates, usually they serve on ships, but when its need they can fight on land, in battle they use javelins and axes.
Slave Javeliners - In the time of need, people of Lys can reqruit slave for the army to be a levy javeliners, usuly they have terrible eqipment and their moral is low.
Freedmens can serve in Lys army as levy archers, if they don't like infantry role.
Army Archers - in the war time, people of Lys can serve in army as archers, if they can't afford better equipment.
Lyseni Slingers - the poorest people of Lys in time of war serve as slingers.
Lyseni Noble Skirmishers - the best missile squad of Lys army, nobleman's of Lys are the best in javelin throwing, they can afford the best equipment, but in battle they prefer to avoid melee combat until they are running out of ammo, after it they will gladly destroy their enemies using swords.
It's all folks