Post news RSS AOPK 3.0: The Kings Beyond the Wall - Release Date/Features

This outlines the new release date and features of Age of Petty Kings 3.0.

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I've completed just about all of the features that will appear in Age of Petty Kings 3.0, and am uploading the closed beta as I write this. You can look through the recent videos and images to see in depth the changes I'm making in 3.0, but here's a list of all the ones that come to mind, in rough order of importance:

1) The Wildlings and Night's Watch will both be playable factions, with the map having been expanded to include the lands north of the Wall.

2) The Others will appear as rebels partway through the campaign.

3) Tons of new building chains have been added to allow players to adopt a more peaceful/economic focus, or to fortify frontier regions with new free upkeep and recruitment slots. Also, players will have building options that will let them recruit a couple of their own troops in conquered territories.

4) Lots of new sellswords/sellsails, and the map has been expanded to include the Stepstones where tons of mercenaries can be quickly hired.

5) Many new ancillaries, meaning that every castle now has a Lordship ancillary.

6) New rebels have been added to provide more region-specific threats (no more Andal rebels in Dorne).

7) Finally figured out how to fix the faction accents (for some bizarre reason M2TW makes you rebuild the entire sounds database whenever you change one tiny thing...). Other minor sound bugs have also been addressed.

8) I've made some AI changes, adding ReallyBadAI and finally getting around to setting faction stances in descr_strat. I can't promise you'll be fighting Napoleon, but I've found the AI is a bit smarter now.


I've made a bunch of other more minor changes too (making the Blackwater impassable w/out ships, etc), but those are the main ones that come to mind. I hope you enjoy playing Age of Petty Kings 3.0 as much as I've enjoyed making it! The final version will be released on Friday December 11th.

release date 1

Dutch_Gamer - - 148 comments

Awesome to hear!, I will be playing this mod a lot in the coming weeks :D

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Guest - - 706,086 comments

uNFORTUNATELY,the mod will release between my exams but so pshyced over the 251 fix! (Y)

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StellarAngel - - 546 comments

Great to hear that you finally fixed the ERROR 251 ^^

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Guest - - 706,086 comments

TY ! great work!!! nice game, Stark 50 regions and destroied undead. I play with Wildling and have 40 regions and 100 mamoths !!! TY TY TY..

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WinterScythe - - 14 comments

Very Nice Xd

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Bosina - - 14 comments

Nice mod but keeps crashing...

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TheGreatOther - - 3 comments

For the better install method, I created a copy of the "launcher.exe" and renamed it as "kingdoms" and just left the Petty_Kings_3 mod folder, with the name unchanged, in the mods folder. When I go to the AOPK batch file, however, I get an error saying Windows cannot find "kingdoms.exe". Any suggestions?

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Guest - - 706,086 comments

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mattomnomska11 - - 5 comments

What about a Rise of Valyria mod :3?

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Guest - - 706,086 comments

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