Another View is a Red Alert 3 mod that allows users to take a different camera perspective. It includes five interchangeable sky textures that can be switched via the text file in the mod's folder.
To change the sky texture, open "Edit this file to change sky.txt" and simply re-name the code so that it includes desired texture — e.g. from "add-big Sky 1.big" to "add-big Sky 2.big".
The main aspect of this mod is to have more options for taking screenshots. A useful addition to that is the Sigma-Harmonizer tool by RichardChai and the Corona-Mod team. To name a few features: This allows time to be paused or sped up, exposure settings to be made and tracking shots to be carried out.
Mod is to be installed into /Documents/Red Alert 3/Mods/Another View_v1.00.
Special thanks to Chris, ItzTeeJaay, LanYi and Mavtor.
Contact: Red Alert 3 Discord / GameReplays
Sigma Harmonizer: GitHub /