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Status so far whats now in the game and whats new.

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Status so far:

ATM i am searching for help with the QuakeC code and somebody who can help me modding the PSP Engine. My ProQuake build has fixed MP3 playback now (doesnt crash at the end of the song anymore),
and atm i will try to mod the PSP Engine and add a custom HUD like in RTCW.

New stuff i added to my mod is:
trigger_command - Triggers console commands like in Kurok (usefull for fog command)
func_ladder - Climbable ladders (works on the PSP Engine, but not really good In Darkplaces, DOH!)
Breakable Walls
Complete Custom Abient sounds - No old Quake Ambience sounds, everything is new!
Footkick is now REALLY working xD
Zooming (For the Sniper only atm)
Enemy will make a sound when he drops to the floor like in RTCW
Infantry Soldier with Random Skins - Selfweapon is Lugerpistol, he drops ammo on death.
Newest Frikbot version - They still need some tweaking, mainly using the Knife and the pistol.
NyanCat Launcher - well... ok, i am just kidding you xD

The game is still random crashing on the PSP, and i think its a fault of ProQuake...
If somebody knows a better PSP Engine with HLBSP support just write me a PN.

Things i need to fix:

Frikbots (Handling the Pistol and the Knife)
Reloading animations stop when picking up weapons and ammo (Donk know HOW to do this...)
Remove some weapons (Quake has a weaponlimit, omg...)

ceriux - - 1,514 comments

why not add in extra weapon slots =)?

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dr_mabuse1981 Author
dr_mabuse1981 - - 1,253 comments

maybe i will do that, but i think i will keep 10 weapons atm to save memory on the psp, and serioulsy: nobody will use most of the rifles or pistols ;)

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ArkaZeen - - 1,696 comments

Lol nice :D

I like pistals xD

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LiveMChief - - 283 comments

Not sure if you have seen my other post so.......

why don't you use this source code its pretty good and really clean.

Its Clean quakeC 1.06 by Justin Thyme.

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dr_mabuse1981 Author
dr_mabuse1981 - - 1,253 comments

my source IS based on 1.06 indeed, not the old one from ID...

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numbersix - - 2,244 comments

>Reloading animations stop when picking up weapons and ammo (Donk know HOW to do this...)

Using standard quake-c functions?

weapon_touch and ammo_touch call W_SetCurrentAmmo();

One of the first things SetCurrentAmmo does is this:

player_run (); // get out of any weapon firing states

Which sets the animation to the player run default. This includes setting self.weaponframe to 0.

You have two possibilities:

1. Track down every instance with a "player_run()" type of animation reset when picking up ammo or weapons. (This may go no further than the 2 touch functions...)
2. Change player_run itself with some crafty code.

Further thoughts:

Is this an entire model animation (seen by other players) or just a FPV (seen only by the player while not using a chasecam.)

If its FPV this is a lot easier to handle. The mod for that could change player_run to check the weaponframe animation is running the reload animation and NOT reset it to 0. This will depend on how you are running that animation.
If the reload is animated by self.think for the player, note that the call to player_run changes the self.think function to player_run:

void() player_run =[ $rockrun1, player_run ]

This is a macro call. When compiled it does this (plus any "code" in the bracres):

self.think = player_run;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
self.frame = $rockrun1; // number calculated by $frame {identifier 1}...{n}

If the animations are a full model animation (and unless you animated running and standing reloads), you will have the "ice skating" effect common to quake 1 - if you fire weapons while running other players see the fire frames and the player models legs dont move (except on the axe which animates the legs in fire frames.)

I coded up run fire frames for a mod. Depending on the visual weapon method used, it could be trivial. Might make a movie of that animation, it was cool at the time.

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dr_mabuse1981 Author
dr_mabuse1981 - - 1,253 comments

well sorry, but i still dont understand HOW... maybe this is too big for me, i am not an expert in quakec.. I have looked into the Kuroks QC and cant find out how MDave does this...

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numbersix - - 2,244 comments

>Frikbots (Handling the Pistol and the Knife)

This is not hard to do - I modded them to use pain keep items.

Most of their functions calls go through standard player calls (just like a real player) - this means if you replace the standard weapon set (selected with impulse 1 - 8) in total functionality then the frikbots _should_ use the new weapons.

So if you replace the axe with a knife, and the selection is impulse 1, the frikbots will use the knife. (In theory anyway...)

To add extra weapons (like using IT_EXTRA_WEAPON bit) you will need to modify frikbot code to recognize, rate, and select the new weapon.

For convenience in using bots I try to fit new weapons into the standard structure and code methodology (IT_{weapon} bits, impulse 1 - 8 selectcion, etc.)

To use painkeep items, I modified void() BotAI in bot_ai.qc. A bot checks his inventory and tries to use the most beneficial item (can of pork and beans if low on health, etc.) or randomly any item. Had to go back and code them not to throw out gravity wells in coop or team play when a friendly player was near. They were quite indiscriminate about firing those off once they have one.

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dr_mabuse1981 Author
dr_mabuse1981 - - 1,253 comments

Thanks @ numbersix, looks harder than i thought... xD

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RedPanzershrek - - 268 comments

Release the psp version soon and put a gameplay video on youtube to find more fans easier

Release so I can enjoy having the psp again,PLEASE!!

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ThatPolyDude - - 365 comments

Lol,only thinks for himself

tip:learn to wait dude

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dr_mabuse1981 Author
dr_mabuse1981 - - 1,253 comments

FINALLY fixed the Frikbots the "trial and error way"...
Now they can handle ALL semi automatic weapons 100% right and they will shoot randomly at you with the semi automatic weapons.

With machineguns they will still shoot at you like before.

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