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The unveiling of Dark Craft Studios latest project, Sapience.

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Hello! I am C-zom, the lead writer behind Dark Craft Studio's project Sapience. Unlike Triptych and Worry of Newport, we have changed direction and are focusing on presenting to you guys a wonderful mythos of Science Fiction. We take inspiration not from Mass Effect or Star Wars, but instead grim, foreboding titles such as 2001. The atmosphere will be varied and rich, but a grim story lines underneath it all that is much more than the sum of its parts. At over 10 levels and over 50 pages of story script (and counting), it will be an almost total conversion of Crysis 2 and will be a brand new campaign for you guys to enjoy.


It is the year 2170, Earth succumbs to destruction from a catastrophic war for the few natural resources left. In desperation, a branch of humanity launches Project Generation, sending a self-building and self-aware AI controlled ship through a wormhole to a far off Terran planet capable of sustaining human life. The AI's goal is to lay down the foundation of buildings, farms, supplies and irrigation and so forth for the human colonists which will be arriving in 12 years as humans and animals cannot endure wormhole travel at top speeds. The colonist ships were launched 12 years apart from each other due to low resources and funding in the Earth Nation\s Government, with a total of three ships launched.

A disease ravages the first colony ship to land, killing tens of thousands and causing the AI to go into overdrive. The player belongs to the rebellion on the faction who simply want the AI to work as intended, but due to perceiving the infection as a threat to humans, it kills the infected--thus killing humans. It is up to the hundred or so rebels, you included, to fix or destroy the AI, as the next two colony ships will be shot down on sight.

This is, in essence, the face-value problem. The story delves deeper into intergalatic and cosmic horror, as whatever it is humanity is running from will no doubt attack the new found colony, and the native population of the terran planet may not respect your intrusion either. At across 8 hours of game play, or 14+ levels, it will be a multi-layered, character driven drama with stark undertones.


All writing, sound design, composition and developing is being handled by Dark Craft Studios, who created Worry of Newport and who are making Triptych as well. This spells the first deviation from the norm for us, and our most ambitious project to date.

All voice acting is being outsourced through VA forums, audition forms on Moddb, and otherwise any other methods on January 8th until January 15th. If you are interested, email us at with your voice acting reel or some recordings you've done, and we will contact you with trial lines and information.

Sapience is currently in pre-alpha status and is projected to finish by Q3-Q4 of this year, 2012.


Pre-Alpha Refinery Infected City View #1

Chompster - - 4,309 comments

love the story, personally cant wait! worthy to be its own game if you ask me :) but i guess its easier to work with Crysis 2 instead of from scratch.

best of luck!

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Expack - - 312 comments

Very nice indeed! Just replace the default HUD with a custom one, and you've already got one heck of a mod here.

Also, in my opinion, this mod SCREAMS for DirectX 11 features, like Boek DOF, tessellation, and realistic shadows. Of course, the mod looks GREAT already, so you don't really need to go that far if you don't agree...

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C-zom Author
C-zom - - 599 comments

We have developers who run DX9 and developers like myself who run DX11 attached to Sapience. Near the end of the dev cycle, we'll ensure the best visual experience for both ends of the spectrum. Expect tesselation, realistic shadows, and DoF on all levels if you have a DX11 rig. :)

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xalener - - 1,605 comments

So in terms of presentation, is any of the crysis 2 stuff gonna be replaced?

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C-zom Author
C-zom - - 599 comments

We're going to have our own sounds and weapons with very few stock weapons left over. A good chunk of our models might be custom in the end for the AI city and so forth, and we'll most likely have to make a good number of ground textures since the stock ones suck and all Crytek used were brushes to mimic them. So in total classification, it's a partial conversion.

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Kamikazi[Uk] - - 1,412 comments

Wow this looks great.

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Durandal87 - - 24 comments

Looks impressive! Keeping watch on this one.

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