Post news RSS An Update On Things

I thought I should probably post a quick update on what's going on with the game, since I missed my planned release date of August 2013.

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So I've now missed my hopeful release date of August 2013. Not surprising since delays in asset creation and other hindrances have slowed things down, as well as me being very busy working three jobs. Work will continue of course, and I've now moved the hopeful date to November 2013.

One of the biggest delays and new issues is the new "CryEngine" (no 3 at the end) which is totally different in a lot of ways, and all the models have to be re-done to work in the new engine. There are also some gameplay components that will need to be changed and I still need to take some time to look over the giant list of changes in more detail. Thanks for being patient while I work on sorting this out, and sorry for the delay (if there was anyone one there actually excited and waiting for this).

DaRkHeAd - - 22 comments

Yes month I press that he released in the month of August, strongly November,.

Otherwise very good job :)

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TaylorMoe - - 227 comments

Looking forward to it man! I've been interested in a game dealing with the conflict in Africa in a serious mature way. Hopefully this is it. Good luck.

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