Post news RSS An update on the project

THE PROJECT ISN'T CANCELED, NOR FORGOTTEN ABOUT! I've just been busy with school. Not being virtual sucks. (Ignore the image above.)

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No, before you ask, the project isn't canceled. I need to get back into the swing of things, and DOOM mapping and coding in general, but I promise, I'll deliver another update as soon as I can. School has just been kickin' my ass recently, so I've been exhausted, that also happens when you wake up at 6:30AM every mornin'. Hopefully by Novemeber, the update should be out. I'll release small bursts of content for y'all in the meantime. I believe the Duke Nukem Ripper glitch was also fixed.

More story and coding updates will be coming along the way, I just need your guys/gals patience to finish my schoolwork. Thank you.


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