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The Amnesia: Fear in Hands Statics featuring the latest updates in real time.

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Recorded more dialogues lines with Lucas Favero Paim (Daryon Wolfinger actor for Brazilian Portuguese) and Philicia Clarke (Sofia Wolfinger for English). Almost everything went out perfectly, but we still have to do some audio mixing and editing before adding it to the game.


We have exhibited for the first time a 100% working chapter of the game on a press conference in Facebook for the Brazilian fans that are supporting us all of these years of hard work. It was a short 7 minute demo gameplay introducing the monsters, the new features involving scenario manipulation, multiple illumination system and of course some of the new monsters of the game.


Talked to Adriano Jordison, our leader tester about playing our full game for the first time before it reaches a BETA status. Adding the final details in the demonstration build to finally release it for internal testing. Fear in Hands still has a lot of bugs and glitches that can even come with a fatal error, but besides that, the game runs pretty smoothly.


Working on the illumination system for the game. Today we have reunited the team to create & develop a weather script that interacts with the environment. We were able to make a whole house go dark after a heavy thunderstorm via scripting. We're planning to add more of those kind of details in the future levels of FiH.


Finishing the GDD (Game Design Document) of Fear in Hands, that has been started on December of last year. We'll soon begun searching for other game developers to help us finish the game, putting extra content and supporting us with basic and complex scripting.


Today we have reached an incredible milestone, showing for the first time in years a full playable build of Amnesia: Fear in Hands, that is now exiting from Pre-Alpha to Alpha and luckily, in the next months, to Beta stage. Been played in a locked room, two players tried our game for twenty minutes until they reached the end. The criticism was pretty good, where most of the people that saw the showcase told that the major problems with the game were the bugs. Simple task to resolve.

They liked the new mechanics and the environment, finding it very dark & spooky. We can't tell how happy we are right now. Simply outstanding! In the new few months, we will be finally releasing the Public Demo for everyone here in ModDB. Now the mission is to increase the player experience by adding more cool features, fixing the incomplete or buggy ones and increasing the details of each level of the game.


Will be showing tomorrow an updated version of the Amnesia: Fear in Hands demo to a group of game designers that works for PlayStation Brazil. Currently, we're trying to fix most of the bugs that has been found on our previous showcase, during an exhibition in Fnac.


Finishing the voice acting, creating more custom assets for the game, editing the new trailer, testing new mechanics (that soon will be revealed) and modeling the final version of the Torturer enemy.

For more news, keep tracked to this specific update.

chronogyros - - 101 comments

I've been tracking this mod for a while now. I'm so psyched for the release. Can't wait to play it!

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BlasterLizardCo Author
BlasterLizardCo - - 614 comments

Thank you! We are very excited to show you all what we've been creating!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TheGamerUnknown100 - - 239 comments

PUMPED! :D :D :D :D: D

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BlasterLizardCo Author
BlasterLizardCo - - 614 comments

Thanks Gamer!!!! :D

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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