Post news RSS Amethlion - Now available on google play!

After almost 3 years of development I am extremely excited to say that Amethlion is now available on google play!

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Amethlion - now available on google play

Hiya guys,

After almost 3 years of development I am extremely excited to say that Amethlion is now available on google play!

Get the game on google play - HERE

Explore, craft and survive as you discover ancient secrets in this open world, action packed RPG adventure!

An accidental discovery will leave you searching for clues, exploring forgotten places and unraveling the mysteries of a lost race all while fighting to survive.

- An entire world to explore!
- 50 Enemy types to beat
- Over 100 unique quests to complete
- 300 items to craft
- Randomly generated dungeons
- Pets and player housing
- 60 resources to gather with skills to level up
- Unique abilities to unlock
- Survival mode
- Unique soundtrack

Amethlion - I am a lumberjack

Amethlion - ice caverns

Amethlion - farming

Amethlion  - the last hearth

Satobi46 - - 156 comments

As i see this game is more liekly to be Runescape

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