Post news RSS Ambient pack for modmakers (from The Eternal Suffering)


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This is NOT a ready-made mod, but only a huge AMBIENTS PACK for selecting suitable ones for your project if you are a developer.

Made for convenience, so that you don't need to download a lot of mods and don't unpack game archives. Here are ready-made .ogg files from 200 of the most popular mods and additional packs for them.

All ambients in the pack are present only in one copy (although there may be some undeleted duplicates).

In most cases, a certain mode folder contains only its unique ambients. Tracks that are repeated in many mods have been filtered out by special software, which means that the folder with your favorite mod may not contain the track that you wanted to find. Most likely, it will be in a different folder (with the name of another mod).

Considering this, a situation is possible when the track was actually used for the first time in "Mod-1", taken from it in "Mod-2", and in this pack it is in "Mod-2", and "Mod-1" is undeservedly not mentioned. Alas, this happens in modding. Treat this with understanding, or go in searching for primary sources and cataloging yourself.

All ambients were "surfed through" in order to filter out files with extraneous sounds (dogs barking, wind whistling, etc.), so that the track could be used even where the LORE does not allow these sounds. However, such situations are possible, so if this is important to you, check it yourself.

There is a folder with tracks from the official trilogy so you can refer to the originals when you choose ambient for your mod.

Separately, there is an "Ambient collection (mp3)" folder with post-apocalyptic ambients (THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM), which have not been used anywhere before. Choose what you like and convert to .ogg to use in your projects.

The pack is large, so I will be grateful if you promptly save it - this distribution will not last long. You can store it on AMK-TEAM or Ap-Pro or wherever you like. The main thing for you not to get lost. I've been collecting this for a long time.

I do not claim authorship of the tracks in any way. All of them are taken from free sources and mods, which are also freely available and extracted by unpackers, which are also freely available. That is, I just have collected it and removed the duplicates, nothing more.

I would like to thank:

- everyone whose work is used here, though I don't mention them here. Folders with authors' names or folders with modes names imply gratitude to these people and teams. When using these materials, you can mention the authors yourself, if you want. I am in favor of respecting the work of others and at least somehow acknowledging their efforts.

For those who are against the use of their works in this pack (I hope there will not be such persons, but if yes) - don't claim against the creator of the pack, but those who use it. Download and delete your files from the pack in case it will relieve your suffering But amicably - don't be greedy busters. We are all being a common modding community, aren't we?

There are no viruses in this pack.

Initially, this pack was compiled for "Stalker THE ETERNAL SUFFERING" mod developers:

TES group in Telegram

TES community in VK

Download Ambient Pack (Torrent) (25 Gb)
or GoogleDrive part 1 and part2

In case this ambient pack turned to be useful for you, and you want to thank for it, you can do it here:


Mods: mods

Special thanks to Mooze:


Another (unused) tracks:

mp3 collection other

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Artur aka "Admin"

zlostnypopolnik - - 152 comments

This is great, I really like STALKER music and holy ****, 25 gigs of quality. One does not see this every day. I hope you manage to finish The Eternal Suffering in good health. Thank you.

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