Latest weeks work has been mainly focused on giving audio section some love. We also made tons of bugfixing & usability improvements based on testers feedback!
Ambient music
Tobscure Maska has been working on ambient songs to cripple you at the right moments.
We have managed to put most of them ingame already.
Voice over status
We've started adding the first lines from Ryan Mounfield!
His interpretation helps us to convey to the player what is happening in a very natural way.
There were some panels that didn't receive much attention the last time.. but we haven't forgot them!
Windows OS
Red has spent most of the weekend trying to expand Windows functionality so players can spend more time investigating its possibilities.
It now has a working filesystem (design pending) and new apps + puzzles.
New model
Maria has accepted to participate in the project as a photo model
Usability improvements
Our testers reported multiple usabilty problems that we've been fixing lately, such as:
- Close key tooltip
- Fix Jemail login button
- Make cart toggler bigger
- Add flash message when added a product to the cart @ amazon
- UI Fixes & tweaks
- PC: Do not show dot cursor
- PC - Edge: Add home button
- GameSaver: Track more objects
- Do not trigger disabled music
- GameSaver: Improve error debugging
- Maintain login state
- Remove starting beep of ComputerRunning
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