Hi everyone, sorry about the long wait - again. Sadly though the release date version 0.20 of the demo will have to be postponed for a few days, as we have just found numerous bugs that must be fixed. But don't close your browser yet! We will show you the changelog for the next version first as a compensation, and hopefully the real thing won't be too far away...
New structures:
- Vehicle Transportation Pad
- Air Field
New vehicles:
- XR-311 Scout Jeep
- MBT-70 Tank
- Support Truck and MCV can now be constructured from the Vehicle Transportation Pad
New aircraft:
- AH-56 Cheyenne Attack Helicopter
- FV-12 VTOL Attack Aircraft
Specialpower unlocked:
-Veteran XR-311 reinforcements
-Long range artillery strike
Also, a new video has been uploaded, showing how Tanks re-centering their turrets first before loading onto VSTOL transports.
Sounds Awesome! I'm looking forward to it.