Our c++ maniac Nuclearfriend has finished the coding of alpha 1.8. There are also a bunch of other changes. If you are a betatester and havent got it, please contact me.
Here is a short version of the changelist:
- Walther is now semi-automatic
- Weapons made stronger and hitboxes damage multiplication tweaked
- Sniper scope implemented (bad sprite!)
- New sniper model and skin (thanks VGF and PC!)\
- Players no longer gib (more realistic I hope)
- A couple of bugfixes that have skipped my mind :P
- User customisable HUD colours (Multiplayer>Customize>Adv Options) Thanks Adrian Shepherd and J.P.Barry
- Added new backpack by Lore
- Updates to sow.fgd - sow_flag has a new "capture radius" property.
Our artist Lore has finished a new backpack for Sands-of-War. He has done both the modelling and the skinning, good job.
Ingame screenshot:
that backpack looks too bright for me , but anyway nice job:thumbup:
Good model needs more of a camo look.
I like it, and whos idea was this??? :p
dont know :P
It was Zacker. I'm not sure if this deserved a front page of moddb post but meh. Done now :P
lol, it was actually J0k3s idea with a new backpack, hence the smiley in his post.
I dont care if it deserved a front page here, I just do everything I can to promote Sands-of-War:)