Hello everyone, here's some information about the new version of Powerless.
Added :
- New trophies (related to combo multiplier + new enemy + new score system)
- Combo system (goes up when you kill enemies, time-based)
- Pause function (Press 'P').
- Autofire. Hold A,W,S or D to shoot.
- Enemy spawn system
- Level design
- New enemy added
- New items added
- Made game screen bigger
- Warning screen
- The Idol (what is that?)
Fixed :
- Damage display.
To fix :
- Level balance
- Difficulty balance
- Fix bugs (power-up bugs, some enemy collision bugs)
To come :
- Class ablities
- Different enemies
- Practice mode
- More trophies
- Better item art
- Player death animation
- Enemy death animation
- Fix low-res fonts
Here's a mini-map of the new level.