Post news RSS ALPHA 0.20 Release - Dragunov SVD, overhaul HUD, Post-process, AI...

Alpha 0.20 is release! This big update contains many adding, overhauls, tweaks and fix. A new weapon Dragunov SVD, a overhaul of all HUD, flashlights and lasers for weapons, new post-process effects for all maps and more...

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Dear gamers,

Alpha 0.20 is release! This big update contains many adding, overhauls, tweaks and fix.
A new weapon Dragunov SVD, a overhaul of all HUD, flashlights and lasers for weapons, new post-process effects for all maps and more...

- Add: Dragunov SVD sniper rifle (available immediatly, no XP required)
- Add: Flashlight / Laser attachments
- Add: Oil Refinery (map: Area 47)
- Add: 4K textures (rocks)
- Add: Rolling sound for robot
- Overhaul: All HUD and fonts text
- Overhaul: Post-process, global color and effects (All maps - day/night)
- Tweak: AI Pathfinding
- Tweak: Time of AI for detect player
- Tweak: AI detection
- Tweak: Linked animations (better movement control)
- Tweak: Faster aiming transition
- Tweak: Faster switch FPS/TPS camera
- Tweak: Faster climb animations
- Tweak: Faster launch drone animation
- Tweak: Faster switch weapon animations
- Tweak: Cinematic (map: Area 47)
- Tweak: Dynamic texts have automatic keys used
- Tweak: Faster loading (launch game)
- Tweak: Reduce foliage distance (Conira Castle)
- Tweak: Reduce noise emitted by footsteps
- Tweak: Reduce cyborg health
- Change: Crossbow "Panther" available immediatly, no XP required
- Change: Change compression files (futures updates less heavy)
- Fix: Wrong AI spawn (Lost Island)
- Fix: Rafale fire mode doesn't work correctly
- Fix: Wrong collision (Bunker asset)
- Fix: AI spawn inside a rock (Conira Castle)
- Fix: AI turret position (Area 47, Lost Island)
- Fix: Some collisions on stairs
- Fix: Wrong flashlight position on enemies
- Fix: Hostage no orient desired roration
- Fix: Magnum animations doesn't work
- Fix: Idle animation with minigun

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