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news on whats happening with scifi at war, just to keep the fans in the loop...

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This is news related to all mods related to Battlestar Galactica
NBC Universal has filed a take down request on ALL battlestar related mods and material. Or at least thats my understanding

Im giving people this heads up in order to let them know Scifi At War is not dead yet, as im working to remove BSG as you read this, and im hoping i can convince moddb to let me continue hosting the mod here. IF i do it will no longer have Battlestar in it.

Now Scifi at war is not the only mod effected, my understanding is its all Battlestar related material on moddb.

So for those of you out there that thinks SFAW is dead, its not, ill be back, in one form or another.

As for other Battlestar mods, i dont know, but i also have forums on Petrolution ( Petrolution ยป Revora Forums -> Sci-Fi at War Mod
So any BSGm ods might be able to find sanctuary there
But no promises

Anyway hope this help clarifty a few things with people, and if ur still interested in SFAW as a mod keep an eye on the facebook page as ill be keeping that as up to date as i can before the moddb page is restored, assuming it is

Again, hope it helps

UPDATE 7/10/11
SFAW will not be returning to moddb, instead it will be hosted here
Sorry for this

UPDATE 11/10/11
SFAW top 10 is back up -

EddieSmithWCHS2013 - - 398 comments

Will watch! Sorry again about SFAW

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Opinionator - - 1,099 comments

There has not been a decent retail BSG game to my knowledge? Last ones I played was on the PS2 and the awful BSG online game. Shame you got to drop the BSG content. The only decent BSG games I have ever played are total conversion mods. So which faction are you going to replace with the BSG?

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ace123yeah - - 205 comments

Why the f##k are they doing that first b5 now bsg whats next god forbid stargate this sucks do you know if the sins mod malstorm will be effected it has a race loosly based off bsg?

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EclipseStardestroyer - - 1,716 comments

After all that hard work that not only you, but all the other modders who made BSG mods has just been deleted like that! It really ****** me off because I have been watching this mod for a while now, as well as Battlestar Galactica: at War. Why did they even bother wanting to take it down NOW of all times!? These mods have been up here for quite a while, so why now?

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DarthONeil16 - - 174 comments

i just realized something else... the top 10 videos are gone aswell.

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Spinobreaker Author
Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

currently putting them up on blip tv, look for...

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jedimastereraol - - 946 comments

oh.. thtats crap..sorry about that spino

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darth_fauxt - - 149 comments


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Thread - - 275 comments

Well you can move the mod to Its another comunity like this but diffrent.

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U3Fcommand3r - - 79 comments

Thats suck was waiting to play the mod :(
Dang NBC have to ruin it for all Battlestar Galatica fans. to me that NBC making BSG universe not that great to stand again Star Wars, Star Trek, Starship Troopers, Babylon 5, Halo, and Star Gate.

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