As some of you probably know, Algo-Bot is a game related to programming logic. In this game you solve problems using coding basics. Enough talking! We warmly invite you to have a look at our Kickstarter page and find the pledge that suits you best.
Not everyone is familiar with Kickstarter. To make it short, Kickstarter is a crowd-funding platform in which you can pre-order a product at a lower price than you would pay once the product is widely available. It also allows backers to play a much bigger role in the creation process. Backers are literally helping someone create their dream and each dollar is a vote of confidence that someone believes in your project. When you pledge money for a Kickstarter project, the money doesn’t leave your bank account until the project is successfully funded.
Now you know everything about Algo-Bot and Kickstarter, so, it’s up to you to help us make our dream come true. To finish this post, I’d like to thank our beloved Team who helped creating this amazing Kickstarter page. Thank you!
PS: If I were you, I’ll back for the Unicorn version ;) Come on! U-NI-CORN, U-NI-CORN *-*
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