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We are sorry for the silence on social media. At this moment we are still polishing our internal demo and we‘re discussing Akolyta‘s future. This includes lots of hours sitting behind the computer, replaying the game over and over again, and redoing certain sections of the game until we believe it‘s the best we can do.

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We are sorry for the silence on social media. At this moment we are still polishing our internal demo and we‘re discussing Akolyta‘s future. This includes lots of hours sitting behind the computer, replaying the game over and over again, and redoing certain sections of the game until we believe it‘s the best we can do. This process takes a lot of our time and it‘s not that interesting to share the progress of that. Therefore we decided to pause the new entries to Monthly Briefing and limit the contributions on social media until we solve all the questions and are sure the game is in the best state possible.

This doesn‘t mean Akolyta is going away. We will start updating you as soon as possible we just need to focus more on the development at this moment.

Thank you for all your support. Every like, share, and comment means a lot to us and every interaction makes our day great! We hope to see you soon. Until then stay tuned to our social media, website, and Discord to not miss that moment!

- Pterosoft studio

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