Post news RSS Age of the Four Clans to Launch Alpha in January

EVOLV Studios launches limited Alpha of its indy dinosaur MMO in January.

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EVOLV Studios is excited to announce their first independent MMO, Age of the Four Clans, will be open for limited Alpha in January.

In this case, MMO stands for Mesozoic Multiplayer Online RPG, with the game boasting an immersive 2D environment where players uniquely take on the role of a dinosaur. Throughout the world, there will be quests to tackle, equipment and weapons to earn, arena games, and a central storyline to follow.

A4C is currently accepting donations through its Patreon page or via Paypal. Any donation of $5 or more will open access to Alpha when it is released in January, 2016. More information, screenshots and a general overview of the game can be found on the Age of the Four Clans website. EVOLV is also on Twitter and Facebook.

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