Progress advances with the implimentation of the Heads Up Display. (HUD)
The old Unreal Tournament 2004 Hud has been completely removed from the game as you can see in this image.
Click image for larger screenshot.
The Ashura: Dark Reign mod (Code wise) is on par with Sonic 2/3.
All HUD elements Work as they should.
Collect 100, 200, 300, etc; Rings; you get a free life.
Destroy/Free Animals; Earns you points.
Star Posts Working as a check point, But don't send you to the Special Zone yet.
Time (on HUD) is using the Sonic CD/Knuckles Chaotix Version.
Mach Speed, Coded!
The Demo that was annouced will have limited features, and as work as been slow on the team lately, its still another 2-3 months away.
Sorry to hear about the development pace, but many thanks for keeping the community updated ^^