In this second installment of the episodic series, Adam Venture and his crew end up in 1920’s Jerusalem having escaped alive from the Caverns of Eden. In their continuous search for the Lost Garden of Eden, they become entangled in a thickening plot featuring a ruthless dig for the ancient King Solomon’s treasure - but is that really all there is to it? What is the real goal of the infamous Clairvaux Corporation?
Adam’s Venture 2: Solomon’s Secret is scheduled for release on 8 April 2011. Pre-orders are available in the Iceberg Webshop with free shipping up until the release.
Some new in-game screenshots:
For more information about the Adam's Venture episodes go to or check out the Iceberg Interactive press release. Let us know what you think!
Congrats, the game looks great. Might have to check it out.
Looks great. Any thoughts on a Steam version or do you think it wouldn't be profitable enough?
It'll be a hell of a lot more profitable on Steam than it would on a shelf at Target or Wal-Mart
Well, some developers don't like the fact that Valve takes a bite of their income and sometimes believe they'd make more by not having it on Steam. S2 Games is a good example. I think Adam's Venture would only benefit from having it there though. Still, the question remains. Any thoughts about a Steam version? :D
Adams Venture 2 looks amazing and totally professional. I'm very happy companies are still releasing action/puzzle games.
Great Job!