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Platform - Windows, Linux, Mac OS Genre - third-person shooter in the setting of the Second World War and the style of Low Poly-isometric

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Gameplay - the game will be divided into several companies, each company has its own set of missions.
- The game has a stealth system with various titles and documents.
- With stealth passing if the player is declassified, the game will automatically have to go into action mode (the documents and the form will be useless until the player clears the zone where he was declassified).
- Food. If a player eats something, he will get + 1-5% health and the regeneration will start for 1-2 minutes.
- First Aid Kits. Restore health. 4 types of first-aid kits + 5%, + 25%, + 50%, + 100% health. First-aid kits are highlighted constantly, unlike other items.
- Technique: stationary tools on any maps can be used. Transport will be open and closed.
- Detection display - an exclamation mark first appears, after which the detection triangle starts to fill up, at 100% the shoulder stitch icon will become transparent, which means that the player is detected.
- Inventory: the game has an inventory with a limited number of slots, it will be possible to combine items in the inventory, get various devices, as well as modify various weapons.
Companies and project development plan
Stage 1 (Prototype)
Company in North Africa; Battle of Bir Hackame (1-2 missions); new opponent Italy (weapons, armored vehicles)
Stage 2 (Pre-alpha version)
Company in North Africa; Battle of Bir Hackheim (full readiness of the company)
3rd stage of development (Alpha version)
Company in the USSR - Brest Fortress; about 5 missions
Company in North Africa (pre-El Alamein)
4 stage of development (Beta version)
Company in the USSR - Battle for Moscow; about 5-8 missions
Operation Overlord Global operation, about 12-15 missions for several characters - a paratrooper (defense of the landing zone, sabotage operations, the seizure of a strategically important bridge and its defense), a Marine, a tankman;
5 stage of development (Release)
Company in Sicily; about 5 missions; (Britain, America);
Company in North Africa; (pre-casserine)
Operation “Battle of Stalingrad” Global operation, about 20 missions - tankman, sniper, infantryman, sapper (undermining barriers, destruction of equipment); The events of 1942-1943 will be presented in the missions.
make destroyable objects - MADE
make tracked and semi tracked vehicles - MADE
make AI machine guns and guns - MADE
to make AI tracked and wheeled vehicles - MADE
make gunboats bots with guns that will “direct” their guns; if one of the bots gets wounded, they will dismiss and become ordinary AI arrows, the gun no longer shoots. In standard condition, they simply stand next to the instrument.
make an animated display of reloading guns
aim at guns
make a switch of weapons technology (on the keys 1, 2 change from a gun to a machine gun, etc. (option types of shells))
make bots afk mode without displaying any meshes (In the near future)
make AI guns mode without checking for shooting-MADE
shaking the camera when the player is moving (feeling of movement)

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