Post news RSS Abilities in Superstatic

After the demo we saw quite a few people struggling with the abilities (through no fault of their own really) so we immediately set about trying to make the system as intuitive as possible.

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After the demo we saw quite a few people struggling with the abilities (through no fault of their own really) so we immediately set about trying to make the system as intuitive as possible. The first step was making sure they were easy to use from the moment they were introduced. Each ability now has its own mini-tutorial and on the first level, you're presented with a much larger arrow so that you don't miss the ability.

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We've also made changes especially to the Chainkill ability which we noticed to be somewhat confusing to most players. The Chainkill now has its own specialised mini-tutorial along with the fact that you can now use the Chainkill whilst not in copy form through the use of a notification in the middle of the screen.

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Finally, we've added the ability to restart levels at the map you left off at. Say you accidentally closed the game on the fourth and final floor of the penultimate level in the demo. Previously you would've had to restart the level from the first floor but with the new feature in place you'll be able to restart at the fourth floor. We've also added the ability to restart the level from the beginning too.

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Thanks for all the support so far on the Greenlight campaign, the streams, the videos, etc. The next month or so will be focused on going back and improving some of the older levels that feel a bit dated now (specifically Levels 4 and 5 from the second demo). After that, we'll be finishing off level 9 and then moving to the final 5 levels of the game.

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