Post news RSS Abandoned Town

Cryengine1 meets S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in the abandoned town of Pripyat.

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Back in October2017 I had this invitation from Vikom.

Quote: "Around May/June, I was creating a map taking a place in an abandoned town. (Crypack 4)
I've finished it for about 90 - 95% but I don't feel like ever coming back to give it the final touch. Please, would you be willing to finish it, if I sent it to you? It's a short level and I believe it would take less than 4 hours to finish it. I quite dislike finishing and since you seem to dislike it less than me, I think it would be the best possible option. You get another project to your portfolio and the map gets a touch that is different to mine.)

I haven't touched the map for 5 months, so I probably wouldn't come back. You can do anything to the map, I wouldn't really care. Just my biggest wish: keep it as a map, not a mod. It's too short for being a mod and it was meant to be a map with non-vanilla objects, from the first second of its existence."

Four hours work, lol. I don't work that fast. But the mission objectives, game saves, radar points were all finished for November. And just before it was released, we began making additions, sending the file back and forth as we worked on it. Me doing the "slave work" mainly, filling out detail as Vikom created new areas and events.

It has been an awesome experience for me to work with a talented modder, I have learned such a lot. We both have study, exams, and now holiday season, but we still work on this every day and will finish as soon as possible.



conroy_bumpus - - 202 comments

most intriguing. intriguing indeed.
i approve.

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ice_trey - - 1,112 comments

now that ive got FC working on win81 id love to try this :D

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douglasaustin86 - - 6 comments

TRULY AMAZING! A Far Cry map with very REAL and CHILLING messages from PRIPYAT!

Notes: Weapons-free zone ; Underground prison with lethal guards ; Underground radiation treatment centre ; Childrens playground; etc., etc.

STRONGLY recommended! Tough but fair.

PS: Watch out for SNIPERS!!

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