We're proud to roll out the latest info and media for A Valley Without Wind. Today is especially notable for the game, as for the first time actual gameplay has been implemented into the PreAlpha build; thus launching it past the "running around in the woods sim" phase and into the much more satisfying "shooting fireballs and not getting killed by robots" phase.
Much has been tweaked and added to the artwork since AVWW's reveal last week. The placeholder building has been replaced with the real thing, several actually, improvements for the character's run animation and the white borders around certain graphics, the appearance of a pair of magic spells, and the introduction of the game's first enemy.
Arcen head Chris Park on the progress:
"We're still just getting started of course, but we're also really proud of how fast we've been able to get the game to even this stage -- three weeks of dev time! By the time we hit publish alpha in another month to month and a half, this is going to be quite a cool game. And it's still only going to grow from there!...And by the way, the respawns that you see of the character in this video are temporary. Perma-death is still very much coming, so never fear!"
8 new screenshots of the latest build have been added, and a video showcasing the latest features and additions of the PreAlpha can be viewed above and here (in HD) as well. The latest in-game music track by Pablo Vega is also in the video, as the composer continues to build and share AVWW's expanding soundtrack bit by 8-bit. Speaking of the composer, Vega has written up a new dev diary giving a glimpse into his methods on constructing a game soundtrack and providing his take on the "no such thing as original music" theory. Check it out over on Games By Design.
Stay tuned! We'll have new media every week as we get closer and closer to our alpha release in March. Interested parties are encouraged to view the video in HD (720p) and the screens in their original resolution. The shots can be viewed over in the image section.