Post news RSS A Kotor 2 idea is born and how you can help

Well the thought of making this mod has been lingering around in my head for a while so why not make the mod.

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Hey it's Johnyboy again. Well some of you may be wondering "Why is the guy not at his other Eaw Foc Mod?" Well I had a idea one day when I was playing other recruit mods by talented modders and I thought " Hey if you can mod yourself into a game then why not a lot of star wars fans on the web?" So I set out looking for modders and such and drawing up ideas. I then got to here and decided to make the mod. So there you have it.

{ I am looking for a team since I cannot do much in kotor 2 modding than making a new launcher and creating folders and drawing up ideas.}
{I need....

-Music editors
-Experienced kotor 2 modders
-Experienced story line designers
-Experienced modders who know how to mod someone into kotor 2
-Level designers
-Texture artists

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