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We haven't jumped off of Insanity Express just yet + song upload

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Firstly, for those of you watching (you perverts) this project hasn't yet gone to the grinder. We are merely cutting game development sessions and other stuff down to appreciable sizes. This means that we'll continue it when we have the time. Getting setbacked by various technical difficulties and real-life stuffs really doesn't do good for the development of any project (or sacrilege such as this.) We are not balancing on the tip of a razor blade by any means, though. We have ideas for the next version and I've decided not to release a new version until we have a few new enemies, a weapon or two, and maybe a new map. Also we need to do more on the engine-code side to get everything implemented as hoped.

Secondly, I did remix the song used in the Chinatown level, "Decoration With A Chainsaw". For some reason, on my Windows binary the song doesn't work (but that may be due to Wine and not the binary itself. I am on Linux for the time being.) So those of you who (potentially) missed the song, here it is, with an extra layer of cheap, hellish and insanity added. Next up is a Team Fortress 2 remix. (not really)

Thirdly, If anyone is so crazy, or depraved of fun, then mail me or PM me and we'll do some multiplayer testing. Some preliminary testings suggests there should be no problems, but I want to try more.

Ohh, also if you are ecologically headed (don't read if you can't take a joke): Read this.
The evils of shaving pubic hair are apparent. I am going to do my part in saving phthirus pubis by implementing these critters into our game.
(No, not really, this was a crude joke somewhat fitting in the theme about the somewhat funny fact that the pubic louse is, fortunately, dying off because humans now have a trend of shaving their pubic hair. I really don't get a hard-on over pubic lice. Really.)

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