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Starting stuff again is a good plan, it makes it better and blah.

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Well, its settled. I've started Map02 all over again. Don't worry though, it already looks better and more vast than it did previously. I'm moving around some puzzles (mostly because it went easy->INSANE->easy->too easy) and re-designing the areas that they are built in to. I highly doubt me getting this out before Portal 2, so i think that i'll simply prepare the maps to be converted to Portal 2 when it, and its SDK, arrives. I'm almost certain i'll still release a Portal version, but it won't be quite as impressive.

I'm going through old maps and modifying them to fit with the new aesthetic a little too, and i'm trying to avoid using Portal 2 Collab textures (though i'm still using the fizzlers created by grabbin pills? and the light fittings originally created by Reepblue (though i have modified them quite a bit).

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