Post news RSS A call to arms, err maps :)

Hi ppl, we would like to ask your help on a very unique issue. Since X-COM - LAST HOPE's TACTICAL mode will span the enire globe like in the original UFO, it would be good if we had could include typical enviroments and building from many different countries. So if you made a building TYPICAL in your

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Hi ppl, we would like to ask your help on a very unique issue. Since X-COM - LAST HOPE's TACTICAL mode will span the enire globe like in the original UFO, it would be good if we had could include typical enviroments and building from many different countries.
So if you made a building TYPICAL in your country, and send it to us we would add that to the tileset. You don't have to create a pro map. A house with 3 rooms would be enough. We will take care of the rest of the mapping.
Also if you don't do mapping you may send us pix to be used as a sky texture. Easy to make,
-grab a photo camera,
-aim for the horizont, and take a pic,
-then turn left and do an other pic again and again, until you reach your original direction,
- finally make a pic of the sky, that is all.
Send us all 5 pics and we turn it into sky texture! So you could battle the aliens in your own neighborhood :)

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