Post news RSS #6 The Fisherman Devlog - The fisherman's first task, Texturing 3D Models

The 6th article for our upcoming game, "The Fisherman".

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Hello everyone!

It's time for another devlog for our upcoming game, "The Fisherman".

Welcome back to our devlog series for The Fisherman! In this sixth article, we'll be diving into the exciting progress we've made in programming the fisherman's first task and texturing our 3D models. Let's get started!

Programming (1st task) 👨‍💻

One of the key elements of The Fisherman is to provide players with an immersive experience of being a fisherman in a cod fleet during the 1940s. In this update, our focus has been on implementing the first fisherman's task, which involves storing the cod caught during the morning in a fish storage tank.

ezgif com video to gif

Texturing 3D Models ⛵

Visuals play a crucial role in creating an immersive game environment. Our game artist has been meticulously working on texturing our 3D models to bring them to life. We have employed procedural techniques to ensure a high level of detail and realism. Each model, be it the Dóris, or the main ship Maria da Glória, has received attention to detail to enhance the overall visual experience. Through careful research and iteration, we're creating a cohesive and visually captivating ship for players to explore.

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That's it for this devlog!

Thank you for reading, and we hope you will continue with us on this adventure over the Nordic seas as a fisherman. Stay tuned for more updates!

oscarfabianleites - - 178 comments

excellent work friend! 😍... If you need a musical composer, count on me, I would love to work with you.

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