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Id like to welcome both Mirrored and Solvalou for joining the team; Mirrored is a music artist, and Solvalou is a 3D Artist (Character Modeler), both so far have shown amazing skills, and I'm very glad to have them on the team. There is still 2 more important position need to be filled; Model Skinner,

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Id like to welcome both Mirrored and Solvalou for joining the team; Mirrored is a music artist, and Solvalou is a 3D Artist (Character Modeler), both so far have shown amazing skills, and I'm very glad to have them on the team.

There is still 2 more important position need to be filled; Model Skinner, and a Writer (Story Editor), if you feel your up to it, then don't hesitate and email me your past work and hopefully you will be accepted.

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