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It's the busy season at work, and am gonna need some help on the next content patch! The Massive Shop-date!

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With the holidays upon us, catering takes up a huge chunk of my free time. I've semi-enlisted the help of 2 friends: Travis Adamczyk of Super Robot Games... or Fountain games... or... my MSN friends list, as well as "Jarjar" of pixeltendo fame. Travis is going to be working on new decals for maps, as well as new maps themselves, and Jar is gonna be helping me design new hairstyles and hats for an upcoming update! The next content patch is going to change how currency in-game works. Killing Zombies will spawn coins which players can snatch up and those coins can be used on either vending machines, or the in-game shop. To bolster the in game shop itself (you can literally buy the shop out by level 40) We're going to up a few prices, as well as load it up with tons more content! Everything from hats and hairstyles to new clothing types! (short sleeve shirts, tanktops, etc.) for further character variety! A few new paint colors will be available, and quite possibly a few new weapons! I have the sprites for them, we just haven't gotten them in-game. To encourage coin collecting, we're of course going to add new maps! Also, if you HAVE community made maps, you're encouraged to either upload and post them here, or post them on the forums! We'd love to see how everyone's using the SDK!

ANYHOO! This is just small news for now! Keep an eye out for me in-game, and if you have suggestions for items or graphics, let me know :)! I'm always wearing the M. Bison hat with pink headphones!

- Jordizzle

kazumo - - 1,174 comments

It's good to hear that! This means we're going to have a lot of new items in the game...I hope <3

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Infinitus - - 360 comments

Just as a sub note to what Jordan said. Should be pushing an update at the weekend if I get everything done. Should fix a bunch of stuff, add some interesting bits and pieces, and should be built for linux and mac :3

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