First thing I'd like to start off; we regret to inform you that we are not using isolated full conversion anymore, thus no custom lantern or menu will be implemented, but that deffinitely does not affect your gameplay. The reasoning for such abrupt change is related to a bug, that used to occur every time a certain script was supposed to start. We've fought tooth and nail, trying to diminish the issue, though in the end, we end up splitting the mod into a regular custom story, as we did not have any ideas anymore how to fix the bug, and besides we do not really have a huge need for IFC - it was just a feature we thought would be nice.
Secondly, the mod is growing bigger and bigger very quickly, every days diffrent maps and scripts are completed, new music is being composed. I've (Lazzer) just finished the final storyline version, and we have it all planned out nice and smoothly, awaiting to be used in game. Chapter 2 (out of 5) is already almost finished, and the work on Chapter 3 has just started.
Last thing; search for voice actors will start in August, allthough if you think you can record for us, feel free to drop a PM to Lazzer, or comment here, maybe we'll accept your offer.