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I need to code more features but this is the current change log: - Added randomize chosen relics by default. - Increased overall compatibility with several other mutators. - Implemented an option which allows to drop relics when relic carriers die. - Added new configuration menu with relics profiles

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I need to code more features but this is the current change log:
- Added randomize chosen relics by default.
- Increased overall compatibility with several other mutators.
- Implemented an option which allows to drop relics when relic carriers die.
- Added new configuration menu with relics profiles and other features.
- Allowed advanced players to alter some relics abilities through the .ini file.
- Changed Mutant glow color to pale gold.
- Modified Relic of Kamikaze; now its victims become Kamikazes similar to Mutants.
- Added Kamikaze glow to Kamikazes.
- Modified slightly the Relic of Translocation.
- Fixed Relic of Ammo showing its visual effect while riding vehicles.
- Fixed Mutant Relics bug that happened when Mutants respawn.

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