1.04 progress nicely, except that we have some problems with the camera on entrance. Luckily thats the only problem.
My PC is now hopefully in repair for the last time, if not, then i throw it from 2nd floor.
By the way, i remember now, why part 1 eats quite nice amount of RAM: i started this project with GM 4.0, and converted it to 5.3 (RAM usage grow 2 X.), and i afraid, that its almost impossible to lower the RAM usage below 100mb, but we try our best to make it small as possible.
One target in 1.04 is to make at least backgrounds more detailed and make movement animations at least for 3 zombies.
I know, that i were supposed to put some new screenshots here during this week, but unfortunately ive been badly ill, so it moves to next week, sorry..
I just noticed, that part one has been downloaded over 300 times, cheers to you all!
Well, i guess that was all for now, gotta go back to draw backgrounds. (School PCs... man i hate em..)
See ya!